Ministering: A church committed to preparing people for Judgment Day by encouraging their gifts and providing opportunities for them to serve— giving their gifts a place of expression to operate.
Challenging: A church committed to raising up an army of mature Christians, passionate about being holy giving supernaturally, praying fervently, serving fully and witnessing powerfully.
Spirit Filled: A church committed to each person experiencing God's presence through being filled with the Holy Spirit, His gifts of healing, words of knowledge, discernment, prophecy, and other gifts. A church committed to be a Spirit sensitive church.
Permeating: A church committed to seeing its community permeated by God's kingdom through affecting the community's nerve centers of education, business, media, recreation, social services, and government.
Worshipping: A church committed to having numerous opportunities to gather for worship consisting of joyous praise and song, biblical preaching, personal ministry, uniting in a concert of prayer and opportunity for people to receive Christ as Savior.
Personal: A church committed to personally minister to each person through home visitations, the laying on of hands, small groups, ministry to every age group, and ministry to ethnic groups in their language.
Disciple Making: A church committed to growing every person to become disciples of the Lord and to be used by God to make disciples, encouraging them to evaluate their life on the basis of how many disciples they have made.
Apostolic: A church committed to operate as one church in many locations throughout Hawaii, the Pacific Rim, and wherever God desires us to be.