King's Dallas is an extension of King's Cathedral in Maui, Hawaii. King's Cathedral and Chapels are all part of the vision that God has given to our apostolic leader, Dr. James Marocco. Our plan is to be "One Church in many locations" touching all of Texas and the world.
For more information about King's Cathedral & Chapels please visit our Main Campus page.

Dr. James & Pastor Colleen Marocco
Dr. James Marocco has served as Senior Pastor of King’s Cathedral & Chapels since 1980.
He holds a Bachelors of Arts Degree from Vanguard University, a Master of Arts from the University of Southern California in Ancient History, a Master of Divinity and a Doctor of Ministry Degree from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California, specializing in pastoral counseling and church growth.
He is a board member of Church Growth International and has authored several books on Spiritual Warfare, Church Growth and Hawaiian History.
Dr. Marocco is married to his beautiful wife, Pastor Colleen and they have three children and seven grandchildren.

Pastor Miguel Juan & Min. Rachel Torres
Pastor Juan Miguel and Minister Rachel have been married for 30 years and they have two daughters. They have been in ministry for over 28 years planting and pastoring churches across United States and Spain.
Pastor Miguel has a Church Ministry degree with Southwestern Assemblies of God University and a Master in Divinity with Biblical Languages with the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Since 2022 Pastor Miguel and Minister Rachel have been serving as King's Dallas Spanish site Pastors.